A caravan solar kit is the best way to have electrical energy anywhere if no direct power source exists. It works independently and it means you won’t encounter any of the problems created by generators, such as noise or pollution. Read on to find out more.
What does a caravan solar kit include?
There is an increasing number of rechargeable electrical and electronic devices available on the market. Flashlights, mobile devices and a wide range of products need to be charged using a power source. Others, such as a television or fridge, require constant direct electricity. Thanks to a caravan solar kit, electricity is obtained directly and sustainably from the sun.

A caravan solar kit is comprised of a series of essential elements. Once installed, they generate extra electricity and improved electrical autonomy. They give you the chance to connect more electrical appliances and improve quality of life inside your caravan. These are the items a kit must include.
- Solar panel. This is the receiver for the sun’s rays, which are transformed into energy.
- Battery. An auxiliary battery that is recharged and which supplies electricity independently is required.
- Regulator. The regulator controls battery charging and power release. If there is one main battery and a secondary battery, the regulator must be a dual one. It allows electricity to be sent simultaneously but independently to the panel of each battery.
- Holder. Holders are usually made of metal and are fixed to the roof using a special adhesive for bodywork.
- Wiring. Each kit contains wires adapted to the electricity the kit will supply.
- Ceiling module. The ceiling module included in the assembly box is designed as the point at which the wires pass through the bodywork to the inside of the caravan.
The most widely used types of solar panels
There are two different types of solar panels that are most common: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The differences between them lie in the processing techniques of their main component, silicon.
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, behind oxygen. There are two main processes used to obtain ultrapure silicon: the Siemens process and the Dupont method.
Once ultrapure polycrystalline silicon has been acquired, the Czochralski method can be employed to achieve monocrystalline silicon. This silicon forms a single crystal that is then laminated to obtain each cell on a solar panel.
Which is better, a monocrystalline or plycrystalline panel?
Both panel types are excellent and offer high electrical power values. However, there are some differences that may make you decide to choose one over the other. These are the advantages of each panel type:
Pros of a monocrystalline panel
- Efficiency. It narrowly beats polycrystalline in terms of the wattage, voltage and amperage produced.
- Cold weather. It requires less light and heat to generate electricity.
- Size. As it is more efficient, it can be slightly smaller and still obtain the same results as a polycrystalline panel.
Pros of a polycrystalline panel
- Cheaper. The production process is simpler and, therefore, this type is cheaper to buy.
- Hot weather. It withstands excess solar radiation and heat better.
- Ecology. Its manufacture involves one less process, for which reason its production generates less pollution.
How much power does a caravan need?
In order to know which kit you need, you should consider your estimated consumption. Each panel provides a certain voltage, wattage and amperage. The voltage indicates the types of electrical appliances you can use.
Generally speaking, a caravan has a 12-volt power circuit. If you want to use electrical appliances like you do at home, such as a television, microwave, water pump, etc. you need to buy a power inverter that will supply 220/230 volts. Of course, you can’t use a facility prepared for 12 volts at 230. You need to add independent outlets or adapt the wiring.

The sum of the watts (W) that each appliance uses to function, divided by the voltage, determines the consumption or amperage (A) necessary to work with several electrical appliances at the same time. Each kit and battery can supply different measures. Calculate your consumption and choose the kit with the correct capacity to supply that amount.
Do I need a solar kit on a campsite?
Campsites usually offer clients an electrical connection they can use to connect their caravans. At Villamar Campsite we have a service available (for a fee) that supplies 220 volts (V), with a consumption of 15 amperes, so you don’t need to have your own kit if you’ll be visiting us and travelling in your own caravan.
In addition, we offer other services, such as a digital televison connection and the opion of paying for WiFi. Consult our website for further information or give us a call.
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